If the market remains frozen, the$ 178 billion of debt coming due next year for weaker-rated companies will be difficult to refinance, said Diane Vazza, chief credit analyst at Standard& Poor's. 标准普尔(Standard&Poor's)首席信用分析师戴安·瓦扎(DianeVazza)说,如果市场继续冻结下去,评级较低的企业明年将到期的1780亿美元债务将很难获得再融资。
'In the future, the successor to Mr. Ren will not be just one person,' said Eric Xu, Huawei's acting chief executive, at the company's annual analyst conference in Shenzhen. 华为轮值首席执行长(CEO)徐直军(EricXu)在深圳召开的年度分析师大会上说,未来接替任正非的将不只是一个人。
Among the biggest beneficiaries of the increase in Chinese appetite for crude is Iran, says Amrita Sen, chief oil analyst with Energy Aspects in Houston and London. EnergyAspects驻休斯顿和伦敦的首席原油分析师阿姆里塔•森(AmritaSen)表示,中国原油需求增加的最大受益者包括伊朗。
The national average for a gallon of gas is already below$ 3 and headed lower, said Denton Cinquegrana, chief oil analyst for the Oil Price Information Service. 汽油的全国均价已经低至每加仑3美元,而且还将继续下跌,原油价格信息服务公司(OilPriceInformationService)首席石油分析师登顿·辛克格拉纳(DentonCinquegrana)说。
The former Gunner crunched the numbers and cast a tactical eye over every Arsenal performance in his role as our chief analyst on Friday Night Live. 这位老枪手作为FridayNightLive节目的首席分析专家,对阿森纳每一场的表现进行了数据及战术上的分析。
Take positions of chief analyst of China agency of U.S.AbleTrend company, contributing column editor of magazine named Financial Union Financing, financing channel special guest of Shanghai TPTV. 现任美国安倍胜公司中国首席分析师,《金融联理财》期刊特约专栏作者,上海TPTV理财频道特约嘉宾。
Art Hogan, chief market analyst at Jefferies& Co, said: "we expected the first quarter would be the slowest period of growth this year and investors expect a rebound in the economy." jefferies&co首席市场分析师阿特霍根(arthogan)表示:“我们预计第一季度将是今年增长最慢的时期,投资者期待着经济的反弹。”
Gold prices could trade as high as$ 1,300 a troy ounce next year if the US dollar's decline accelerates and doubts about its status as the world's principal reserve currency continue to increase, says James Steel, chief commodities analyst at HSBC. 汇丰银行(HSBC)大宗商品首席分析师詹姆斯斯蒂尔(JamesSteel)表示,如果美元加速贬值,同时对于美元作为全球主要储备货币地位的疑虑继续上升,那么金价明年可能升至每盎司1300美元的高位。
Their titles include chief executive officer, vice president, senior investment manager, analyst and strategist. 他们的题目包括首席执行官、副总裁、资深投资经理、分析师和战略家。